Return on investment
Neuromodulation and neurofeedback have the potential to free us from conditioned thinking, and create our best possible life. The natural next question is - how much does it cost?
Before we get into the details, consider that training your brain isn't just investment in your well-being; it's like a superpower booster for your life. Figuring out the exact financial returns can be tricky, and it's different for everyone. But don't worry, we've got some tips to help you see how it can make a valuable difference in your life.
Consider the return on investment from an employer's standpoint. Imagine the added value you could bring as an even more high-performing employee in the fast-paced environment of Silicon Valley.
According to research by Deloitte, companies that implemented mental health programs for a year experienced an annual return on investment of $1.62 for each dollar invested. The longer these programs were in place, the higher the returns became.
Proactive performance enhancement value
The World Health Organization discovered that every $1 invested in mental wellness results in a $4 return on investment through improved health and productivity. Consider that you don't have to be sick to get better - what is proactive performance enhancement worth?
Shawn Achor, the author of "The Happiness Advantage," found that positive psychology alone led to a 19% improvement in work accuracy and boosted sales by up to 37%. Imagine what effect brain training could have!
Benefits in the workplace
Optimizing creativity and focus is key in creative fields like Silicon Valley. Neuromodulation and neurofeedback boost attention and concentration, whether you have ADHD or just want to improve your focus for sustained creativity.
Finding the sweet spot of relaxation is important to peak performance. Neurofeedack studies demonstrate benefits for musicians, including heightened creativity and skill acquisition, and for actors, with improved confidence and learning rates.
Research confirms neurofeedback's ability to stimulate activity in key brain regions like the ventral tegmental area and mesolimbic areas, crucial for learning and motivation, unlocking greater drive and focus.
Silicon Valley's competitive nature and high cost of living create a stressful environment. Neurofeedback has shown effectiveness in reducing anxiety, ehancing confidence, and alleviating performance anxiety.
The bottom line
Consider the personal barriers that might be holding you back from your best performance. Imagine the positive impact on your work, career, and life when you break through these barriers. Keep in mind that many employers see the value in investing in mental health and performance, so there's every reason for you to invest in yourself too!
Beyond the numbers
Remember that the advantages go beyond mere numbers. When you address and release the patterns that have been limiting you, it brings a sense of satisfaction and an improved quality of life that can't always be measured in figures.
The price of neuromodulation and neurofeedback
The price of neuromodulation and neurofeedback consists of assessment and training:
The QEEG and ERP recording, analysis and report is priced at $950 and typically requires several hours of dedicated research.
Each training session is scheduled for 1hr, with 30min of training, and is priced at $175 for the session.
We recommend at least 10 to 20 training sessions for the best results, but every brain is different and we can't predict how many training sessions will be required for your case. The number of sessions required may vary, but most people experience significant improvements within 10 sessions, with 15-20 sessions being enough to produce lasting change.
This contrasts with as many as 20-40 or more sessions of neurofeedback.